Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First Game

Well... not my first game ever... but my first game back.

I took a mish/mash of marine stuff and threw it against Ryar's tooled up salamander list... it got stuck in like a spit ball down a volcano. I maned to almost have a tie... and didn't get tabled (by one immobilized, partially damaged predator and (2) scouts.

The scouts were more impressive then I thought.

The bikes were not. I was fairly impressed with combat tactics to be honest, but I think the problem with the use of the bikes wasn't them, but me. Sometimes when you use strange units and they don't work out, blame yourself. The scouts were actually pretty good that game, even though everyone told me what trash they were exactly because I knew how to use them. I am going to drop my terminator librarian and use a normal librarian I think. I also need to get to painting a few units, but I want to finish my dreadnougths and drop pod first.

Anyway, that's it. No new pictures, I'm to busy trying to get settled here.

I should play another game on wednesday, and some this weekend. I'm very very glad that I have a

1 comment:

  1. Dont feel bad i faced 3 landraiders last night and all i could do is blow weapons off with my railguns. Dice no likey me last night...:/
    1 landraider got imoblised due to terrain the other i rammed with a devilfish imoblising it!
    Really thinkng of playing ninja tau so i can atleat have that option......
