Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tutorial - Fixing Fogging For Fools 2

So after reading through the internet, here are the sudgestions that I found for fixing the fogging.

First, to respray the original clear coat onto the model, in a non humid environment.

Next, was everyone just saying "Buy [insert Random Company Sealer] and you won't have this problem." Sadly, if you are at the stage where you have this problem already, this... of course... is less then helpful.

Next, was to purchase Testor's Dullcoat, that it would fix the problem.

Also a sudgestion was to hit it with a Glass Varnish, then go back over later with the Testor's Dullcoat. The thought process here is that the fogging is actually a iregularity in the the model, with the dullcoat actually causing this to break the shine, and that the varnish gives it the smooth vinish back, thus fixing the problem. I wasn't so sure about that.

Lastly was to go over the areas with a watered down base coat to try and get the color back. I considered this the last repost, and something I would do only if necessary.

So, the first think I did after I realized the prolem was to attempt to cover the model with another coat of Games Workshop Purity Seal. While this did not add to the problem, it did not help either. I found that at first the results seemed to have worked, but when I came back later, the fogging was just as bad.

The first option was Fail. I will discuss the rest tomorrow.

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